Smithfield Foods Inc.

Smithfield, VA 23430


About Smithfield Foods Inc.


200 Commerce Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
United States
(757) 365-3000

More Info on Smithfield Foods Inc.

Headquartered in Smithfield, Virginia, since 1936, Smithfield Foods Inc. is an American food company with agricultural roots and a global reach. Its 40,000 U.S. employees are dedicated to producing "Good food. Responsibly." It pioneered sustainability standards for more than two decades, including its commitment to cut its carbon impact by 25% by 2025. Smithfield owns a portfolio of brands such as Smithfield, Eckrich, and Nathan's Famous, among many others. 

Products and Press Releases

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Food & Beverage

Smithfield Foods' North Carolina facility recognized for water reduction efforts

Oct. 9, 2020
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) recently named Smithfield Foods Inc. as a recipient of the 2020 Manufacturing Leadership Awards in the sustainability category ...

Articles & News

Smithfield Logo

Smithfield Foods' new $45 million wastewater system improving water quality in Big Sioux River

July 31, 2023
The new system adds additional treatment processes and capabilities to meet new and more stringent permit limits on nitrates and ammonia.
Courtesy of Smithfield Foods
The three companies are using energy generated from Smithfield's Tar Heel pork processing plant to provide renewable energy to consumers.

Smithfield Foods Generates RNG from Wastewater to Power NC Communities

Jan. 16, 2020
New partnership with Duke Energy and OptimaBio to benefit thousands of homes and businesses.

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