BIRMINGHAM — In Water Technology’s January article, “Water quality systems and the toothbrush test,” Dale Filhaber, author of Pure Water Profits — a biweekly blog on marketing found at in — and president of Dataman Group Direct, writes about how direct marketing offers dealers the best ways to reach the right people at the right time.
In the article, Filhaber discusses how dealers can target millennials. “If I had a nickel for every time a dealer told me he or she doesn’t want to mail to the ‘under 35 group’ because they only respond to email, I would be a rich listologist,” says Filhaber.
She continues by offering a few statistics (provided by
- 75 percent of millennials find the mail they receive to be valuable
- 92 percent are influenced by direct mail to make purchase decisions as opposed to 78 percent influenced by email
- When asked about whether or not they would prefer to continue receiving promotional emails or receiving the same promotional items but in the mail, 70 percent said email or other digital delivery and a whopping 90 percent said they would prefer postal delivery.
Filhaber notes in the article that millennials represent the largest demographic segment in the U.S. — even larger in number than the baby boomers.
“[The millennials] will be the next buyers of water treatment products. They are environmentally aware and have been raised to know using refillable water bottles is a good thing. They want healthy options for themselves and their families,” explains Filhaber. “Even if something is expensive, if they want it — and you make them a good enough offer — they will buy it.”
Read the entire January feature on the importance of direct marketing here.