EPA approves Buffalo’s plan to reduce water pollution in Niagara River

April 15, 2014

NEW YORK — EPA and NYS DEC have approved the Buffalo Sewer Authority’s plan to reduce the amount of sewage and stormwater run-off into the river.

NEW YORK — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation have approved the Buffalo Sewer Authority’s plan to reduce the amount of sewage and stormwater run-off that flow from the city of Buffalo’s combined sewer system, according to a press release.

Combined sewer systems, which carry sewage from buildings and stormwater from the streets, are overwhelmed during heavy rain and send untreated sewage into local waters, noted the release.

The plan has been incorporated into a legal order issued by the EPA to the Buffalo Sewer Authority, reported the release, under which the Buffalo Sewer Authority will implement a series of projects that will improve water quality in the Niagara River and its tributaries, including projects that use green infrastructure to soak up and store stormwater that would otherwise increase overflows of raw sewage into local waterways.

Read more on EPA here.

According to the release, the Buffalo Sewer Authority has committed to investing $380 million on these projects over 20 years.

“The Buffalo Sewer Authority has shown its commitment to come into compliance with the Clean Water Act and improve people’s health and water quality throughout the city,” said Judith A. Enck, EPA regional administrator. “The incorporation of green infrastructure into the plan will help restore the Niagara River, while building healthier, greener and more sustainable communities.”

Read the full release here.

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