WEFTEC® '03 is an event organized by Water Environment Federation,® and is not organized by PennWell Corporation, Industrial WaterWorld, or any exhibitor mentioned on these pages. Water Environment Federation® does not sponsor or endorse the content of these pages, or the exhibitors described, or their products.
Toxic metal analysis
Safeguarding industrial water quality and monitoring of wastewaters represent an important part of the workload at many water and contract analysis laboratories. Important instrumental considerations include high analytical performance to meet current MDL's and the ability to handle the complex matrices often met with effluent analysis. The Thermo Electron S Series AA is especially suited to this requirement. The GFS97 furnace/autosampler module's performance, vital in waters analysis, is the result of careful optimization.
Thermo Electron Corp.
Madison, WI
Tel: 608-327-6751
Web: www.thermo.com
Aluminum doors
Bilco's J-AL Door can be used in most corrosive environments and is ideal for use in wastewater treatment facilities. Available in single- or double-leaf design, the aluminum door is designed to provide access to areas located underground or beneath/between floors. The doors can be operated by a single person, and function dependably in harsh environments. Special anti-corrosion hardware includes forged aluminum hinges, a 5086 aluminum cover plate, electrostatically coated compression springs and advanced composite spring housing assemblies. Bilco's 70 durometer EPDM debris gasket limits dirt and debris from entering the channel frame.
Bilco Inc.
New Haven, CT
Tel: 203-934-6363
Web: www.bilco.com
DO sensor, transmitter
The Züllig dissolved oxygen system, offered by Rosemount Analytical, significantly reduces cleaning and calibration frequency in harsh wastewater treatment environments. This non-membrane galvanic sensor has two insulated electrodes continuously polished by a rotating diamond grindstone. The self-cleaning process eliminates the tasks of cleaning and replacing membranes and replenishing the electrolyte solution. The patented technology enables the sensor to hold its calibration much longer than competitive units.
Emerson Process Management,
Rosemount Analytical
Irvine, CA 92606
Tel: 800-854-8257
Web: www.raihome.com
Air diffuser
The low headloss characteristics of the Tideflex® TF-A Coarse Bubble Air Diffuser from Red Valve provides mixing and blending abilities. The TF-A eliminates the clogging problems experienced with existing air diffuser nozzles, eliminates backflow into the air manifold and is not affected by settling sludge or debris. It eliminates routine cleaning and maintenance and allows the blowers to be shut down without plugging. Their all-rubber construction makes them an excellent choice for harsh environments.
Red Valve Co. Inc.,br>Carnegie, PA
Tel: 412 279-0044
Web: www.redvalve.com
Solids handling pumps
Moyno will display its line of high solids handling pumps and the Moyno® Annihilator™ at WEFTEC. The Annihilator™ is a twin shaft solids reduction unit designed for use in sewage lift stations, head works and sludge processing systems. The company's high solids pump line includes the Moyno® 2000 HS System, which features an integral hopper with a twin-screw auger feeder and a specially designed progressing cavity pump that handles semi-dry, high solids content, dewatered sludge cake. The company's 2000 G2/G3 Progressing Cavity Pump is suited for handling semi-dry, high solids content or caked substances.
Moyno, Inc.
Springfield, OH
Tel: 877-486-6966
Web: www.moyno.com
Standby pumps
Facilities are replacing the traditional lift station emergency back up system — a generator, switch gear and permanently installed electric submersible pumps — with Godwin Critically Silenced diesel Dri-Prime pump and automatic control panel. This alternative avoids common lift station problems such as primary power, switchgear, and sewage pump failures. The main benefits of the pump over the generator include: the availability of a backup pump at the station instead of only back up power, the elimination of expensive transfer switch gear, and reduced maintenance costs.
Godwin Pumps
Bridgeport, NJ
Tel: 856-467-3636
Web: www.godwinpumps.com
Fixed-film media
Hydroxyl-Pac media is the core of the Hydroxyl Systems integrated fixed-film activated sludge process (IFAS), a revolutionary technology enabling significant expansion of existing activated sludge plants with no site construction. Operating fully mixed and in constant motion, Hydroxyl-Pac media acts as a suspended mobile carrier for biomass growth. This enables significant treatment performance within existing basins, yielding greatly improved overall plant performance. The flexibility and savings potential of the Hydroxyl Systems biological process make it an attractive wastewater treatment approach for a variety of industries.
Hydroxyl Systems
Sidney, BC Canada
Tel: 250-655-3348
Web: www.hydroxyl.com
Agitators, mixers
Chemineer will display its latest products at WEFTEC. Products on display will include it's HT Turbine Agitator, which is capable of handling virtually any process including sludge, scum and anaerobic digester mixing applications; it's GT Turbine Agitator, suitable for applications such as flocculation, carbon slurry and lime slurry mixing up to 600,000 gallons; and it's QED Plus™ Mixer: Designed for economical performance in polymer mixing applications. The company will also feature its DT Top-Entering Mixer, Kenics® HEV Static Mixer, and Kenics® KM Static Mixer.
Chemineer Inc.
Dayton, OH
Tel: 937-454-3200
Web: www.chemineer.com
FOG treatment system
The Remediator® Grease Treatment System from Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. features a fixed film bioreactor engineered to separate and retain fat, oil and grease from a live discharge stream. The system is installed as an appliance at the source to prevent onsite drain blockage and reduce downstream accumulation. The system works like a treatment facility, eradicating the FOG at the source before it can be discharged without requiring extensive operator attention and maintenance or additional expense.
Jay R. Smith MFG. Co.
Montgomery, AL
Tel: 334-277-8520
Web: www.jrsmith.com
Redesigned pump
LMI Milton Roy announces the redesign of its Series A pump. Maintaining the same size footprint of previous models, the new pump offers a number of product enhancements to provide longer life and convenience. The newly redesigned housing improves the drive's heat transfer properties, as it generates heat farther away from the electronic components to maintain the long-term integrity of the PC board. Electrical connector attachments have been repositioned to the front of the pump for easier access.
LMI Milton Roy
Ivyland, PA
Tel: 215-293-0401
Sodium hypochlorite generators
Miox Corporation's on-site sodium hypochlorite generators use only salt, water, and electricity to form a dilute chlorine solution for wastewater disinfection, cooling tower treatment, or other industrial water treatment. No hazardous chemicals are involved, eliminating Risk Management Plan (RMP) compliance audits and the hassles of HAZMAT, SCBA, and DOT trucking requirements. Not only are plant safety improved and regulatory paperwork reduced, but the chlorine solution is always freshly generated on-demand, so there are no shelf life or storage issues.
Miox Corp.
Albuquerque, NM
Tel: 505-343-0090
Web: www.miox.com
Gas monitor
MSA Instrument Division has released its Ultima XIR Gas Monitor, a microprocessor-based, infrared point gas detector for continuous monitoring of combustible gases and vapors. Designed with a 316 stainless-steel enclosure, the monitor can operate in the harshest of environments. It uses dual-wavelength heated optics technology, providing definitive compensation for temperature, humidity and aging effects. The IR technology offers excellent long-term stability, eliminates the need for frequent calibrations and reduces the overall cost of ownership.
MSA Instrument Division
Pittsburgh, PA
Tel: 724-776-8721
Web: www.MSAgasdetection.com
Close-coupled pump
Watson-Marlow Bredel, a manufacturer of peristaltic pumps, offers the 521CC (close-coupled) pump for chemical and industrial processing applications. Ideal for abrasive and aggressive fluids, the pump is resistant to chemically harsh or corrosive environments. With an increased capacity of 1.3 gpm and a heavy-duty design, the pump offers performance and low maintenance at a reduced cost. The pump features a new pumphead, which is manufactured from PPS (polyphenylene sulfide), a high performance engineering plastic.
Watson-Marlow Bredel
Wilmington, MA
Tel: 800-282-8823
Web: www.wmbpumps.com
Filter presses
USFilter Dewatering Systems offers a line of filter presses. The J-Press sidebar and overhead filter presses. Easy to operate with minimal maintenance, the presses offer inherent flexibility that makes them ideal for a wide range of sludge dewatering operations. The filter presses are available in capacities ranging from 0.1 cu. ft to 900 cu. ft.
USFilter Dewatering Systems
Holland, MI
Tel: 800-245-3006
Web: www.usfilterdsg.com
Water quality, quantity measurement
YSI Environmental has developed a multiparameter instrument — the YSI ADV6600 — that measures both water quantity (velocity and direction) and water quality. It accomplishes this by integrating the company's water quality sensor technologies with the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) technology of SonTek, a San Diego-based division of YSI.
YSI Environmental
Yellow Springs, OH
Tel: 937-767-7241 x521
Web: www.ysi.com
Valve chainwheels
Ductile iron chainwheels, offered by Trumbull Industries, allow operation of valves in high, hard-to reach locations by means of a pull on the sprocket chain. Universal design allows the chainwheels to be clamped to a handwheel or pinned directly to a valve stem. They are furnished with plated steel attachment hardware for clamping to a handwheel. When the wheel is to be pinned to valve stem, a ductile iron bushing is provided which can be machined to suit valve stem dimensions. The bushing and chainwheel are pre-drilled with a pin hole, and supplied with a stainless steel pin for customer mounting to the valve stem.
Trumbull Industries
Youngstown, OH
Tel: 330-799-3333
Web: www.trumbull-mfg.com
Biofilm reactors
Kaldnes North America can upgrade an existing BOD plant into a total nitrification system or increase capacity of an existing plant to meet new higher projected flows. The Kaldnes Moving Bed™ Biofilm Reactor increases the solids inventory in a current wastewater treatment system without increasing the solids load to the existing clarifiers. The system can also increase plant stability and decrease plant maintenance. MBBR applications are found in the municipal, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, food and dairy industries where waste loading conditions are widely variable.
Kaldnes North America
Providence, RI
Tel: 401-270-3898
Web: www.kaldnes.com
Peristaltic metering pump
Stenner has introduced the SVP Series, a variable speed peristaltic metering pump with optional 4-20 mA input for automatic control. Capable of 1.66 gph at 100 psi and 3.5 gph at 25 psi, the pumps are designed to respond directly to a 4-20 mA input signal from water treatment controls including pH and ORP monitors to maintain proper water chemistry and treatment of effluent discharge water. They feature a 4-button keypad for manual adjustment and an LED display for easy viewing. Control adjustment ranges from 5-100% in 1% increments.
G.H. Stenner & Co., Inc.
Jacksonville, FL
Tel: 800-683-2378
Web: www.stenner.com
Water, wastewater pumps
Patterson Pump offers a full line of high-performance pumps for water and wastewater duties, including The Forceline® NCS Series non-clog sewage pumps, which are offered with Zero Flush Technology. This technology employs an EnviroSeal SpiralTrac® throat bushing and a Chesterton Model 442® split mechanical seal, which requires no flush water and provides substantial savings in areas of maintenance and seal flush water.
Patterson Pump Co.
Toccoa, GA
Tel: 706-886-2101
Web: www.pattersonpumps.com
Screening systems
JWC Environmental has announced the introduction of its Monster Separation Systems™, which combine fine screens with a screenings washing system. Two types of screens are available — a traveling fine screen named Finescreen Monster™, which has 6 mm or 3 mm screens, and a double flow band screen dubbed Bandscreen Monster™, with screening down to 2 mm openings. Both systems include the Screenings Washer Monster, which processes the captured screenings, typically achieving 50% dry solids and 80% (or more) volume reduction in the discharge.
JWC Environmental
Costa Mesa, CA
Tel: 800-331-2277
Web: www.jwce.com
Filtration system
USFilter CenTROL® filtration system has been redesigned to improve performance. Inlet distribution uses a new distributor box sited completely within filter walls. It has a smaller footprint, reduces headloss by 18'' to 48'' and is shop-fabricated to be integral with the column assembly to simplify field installation. Pre-installed inlet valves are also located on top of the distributor for easy access. To simplify design, the company installs one standard 5' long effluent weir system for each 2,600 gallons treated.
Sturbridge, MA
Tel: 800-547-1202
Web: www.usfilter.com
Plastic cabinets
Fibox's CAB PC family of wall mounting plastic cabinets, built from corrosion resistant polycarbonate (PC) material, is available UL listed. In addition, the units are rated NEMA 4X, 12, and 13. They also have an enclosure flammability rating of UL — 5V. The enclosures offer an optional swing-out door and feature an opaque or smoked transparent cover, quick release latches on the long or short side, and a latch or key lock door.
Fibox USA
Glen Burnie, MD
Tel: 888-342-6987
Web: www.fiboxusa.com
Pulley alignment tool
SheaveMaster®, a V-belt pulley alignment tool from Ludeca, mounts magnetically to the face of a pulley. A permanently calibrated laser beam fans out striking three magnetic targets on the opposite pulley and measures angular, offset and twist misalignment of the drive. It can be used equally well on chain driven sprockets. The system can be used by one person. Better alignment reduces belt wear, noise, vibration and downtime.
Ludeca Inc.
Miami, FL
Tel: 305-591-8935
Web: www.ludeca.com
Backwash filter system
The Roberts Maximus™ Automatic Backwash Filter System is an alternative for potable and tertiary filtration. The innovative traveling crane system uses a unique backwash hood which mates to square filter cells. The arrangement of the filter cells allows for wide and long filter basins, which are ideal for large plants. Conventional deep filter media beds increase filter bed efficiency and holding capacity compared to shallow bed traveling bridge designs. Subsurface wash injectors improve media cleaning during backwash.
Roberts Filter Group
Darby, PA
Tel: 610-583-3131
Web: www.robertsfiltergroup.com
Conveying systems
Serpentix manufactures a patented conveyor with an articulating discharge end that evenly distributes sludges and screenings over a 12' arc. Recently, the company entered into an agreement with Puratek Anlagentechnik GmbH to exclusively distribute in North America a troughed belt conveyor that telescopes out to extend over a process area or to evenly load a truck or a hopper. In a biosolids application, Serpentix's flex-end conveyor or the telescoping conveyor would allow the user to bypass a lime mixer or distribute treated sludge uniformly between several composting bins.
Serpentix Conveyor Corp.
Westminster, CO
Tel: 303-430-8427
Web: www.serpentix.com
Radar level measurement
A new two-wire, loop-powered, pulse radar instrument from Siemens Energy & Automation offers a level measurement solution for liquid bulk storage or simple process vessels. Ideally suited for chemical plants and tank farms, it offers many new features that make it simple and easy to operate and install. The Sitrans LR200 instrument features a built-in, alpha-numeric display. By using the infrared Intrinsically Safe handheld programmer, operators can program the instrument without opening the lid. The compact electronics are mounted on a rotating head that swivels to line up with conduit or wiring connections. This also allows operators to adjust the electronics head after installation for easy viewing. The unit is easy to set up with as few as two parameters for basic operation. There is no need for an echo profile analysis to start-up the LR 200 radar.
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Spring House, PA
Tel: 215-646-7400
Web: www.sea.siemens.com/ia
Valve actuator
Rotork has announced the availability of the IQT electric, quarter-turn, non-intrusive valve actuator, which incorporates electronic capabilities and double sealing for a watertight enclosure. The valve actuator is designed to provide quarter-turn valve operation in a wide range of environments, including the harsh and damp conditions often associated with water and wastewater treatment plants. Users can configure and set the non-intrusive actuator without removing its covers by using an intrinsically safe, point-and-shoot hand-setting tool, which is supplied with the actuator.
Rotork Controls, Inc.
Rochester, NY
Tel: 585-328-1550
Web: www.rotork.com
UV disinfection
The LPX Series of UV disinfection system, offered by Suntec, was designed with the wastewater treatment plant operator in mind. The system incorporates innovative lamp technology, which disinfects more wastewater than traditional low pressure, high output lamp designs. Space requirements are reduced and lower quality effluent can be treated. UV lamp output follows changes in effluent quality and flow rate. Even with high UV output, electricity costs remain economical due to low pressure lamp technology. The Scrapper, the company's automatic cleaning system, reduces maintenance. The company's high frequency submersible ballasts (capable of variable output) are "cooled by configuration," which eliminates the need of additional cooling systems, cabinets or buildings.
Suntec Environmental, Inc.
Concord, Ontario
Tel: 905-669-4450
Web: www.suntecuv.com
Toxicity testing
The ability to obtain rapid, accurate and sensitive measurements of respiration and nitrification inhibition, short-term BOD and biomass "health" represents a crucial factor in effective wastewater plant management. To meet these demands, Scottish-based Strathkelvin Instruments Ltd., has launched the Strathkelvin ASR in the US. The system uses six oxygen electrodes and easy-to-use software to measure toxicity on a 20 ml sample of activated sludge. Total respiration inhibition tests take no more than 10 minutes. By using two separate respiration measurements, both nitrification inhibition and inhibition of the BOD-splitting bacteria can be obtained in under 30 minutes.
Strathkelvin Instruments Ltd.
Web: www.strathkelvin.com
Coating system
Tnemec, a manufacturer of water and wastewater coatings and linings, has developed a new product for use in severe corrosion environments that experience high levels of hydrogen sulfide gas and sulfuric acid. Series 434 Perma-Shield H2S is a modified polymer mortar providing excellent resistance to microbiologically induced corrosion, H2S gas permeation, abrasion, and chemicals common to treatment areas. It can be trowel or spray applied and is designed for use in critical wastewater applications such as grit chambers, wet wells, lift stations, primary clarifiers, concrete pipe, headworks, odor control systems and any other area where a durable lining is required to handle extreme water and wastewater immersion service.
Tnemec Co.
Kansas City, MO
Tel: 800-863-6321
Web: www.tnemec.com
Chlorine gas containment
ChlorTainer® — Total Containment System, offered by TGO Technologies, processes a ton or 150 pound cylinder(s) from within a sealed vessel. This 'zero release' technology is an alternative choice for leak prevention. Total containment is the only technology considered passive for RMP considerations, and fully complies with Article 80 of the Uniform Fire Code. It eliminates the need for scrubbers. The units can be installed outdoors or in a ventilated room.
TGO Technologies, Inc.
Santa Rosa, CA
Tel: 800-543-6603
Web: www.tgotech.com
Grinder pumps
Zoeller is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its Shark Grinder Pump Series, which features a "bi-directional star cutter" design. Over 15,000 units have been installed. The pumps are designed to grind and pump sanitary sewage. The company guarantee that the reversing grinder pump will not clog and the cutter assembly will not require servicing during the life of the pump.
Zoeller Co.
Louisville, KY
Tel: 800-928-7867
Web: www.zoeller.com
Bar screen
Vulcan Industries manufactures the heavy-duty Mensch™ Bar Screen for influent screening applications. The screen is custom built for channel widths from 18'' to 30' and the company has built screens for channel depths that exceed 85'. Submersible electric and hydraulic drives are available for applications where the drive may be submerged. Bar spacings are available from 1/4'' to 3''+.
Vulcan Industries, Inc.
Missouri Valley, IA
Tel: 712-642-2755
Web: www.vulcanindustries.com
Decanter centrifuge
Westfalia Separator will be exhibiting its newest decanter centrifuge, the CA 535. The decanter is designed for thickening and dewatering. It offers either conventional centrate regulation or the company's Vari-Pond® pond level control system. The system offers on-the-fly adjustments to optimize pond levels while at full operating speed. The centrifuge's end pull-out design allows for ease of inspection and maintenance, and in-line motor configuration minimizes space requirements.
Westfalia Separator, Inc.
Northvale, NJ
Tel: 800-722-6622
Web: www.wsus.com
Submersible sewage grinders
The Sewer Chewer Grinder with optional submersible (IP68) motor, offered by Yeomans Chicago, is designed for direct wet-well mounting or mounting in locations prone to flooding. The optional guiderail basket frame system facilitates mounting the grinder directly in the pump wet-well, thereby allowing design of smaller and simpler lift stations resulting in reduced civil construction costs. Patented cutter design and state-of-the-art digital interface controllers are provided for high performance and ease of operation.
Yeomans Chicago Corp.
Aurora, IL
Tel: 630-236-5500
Web: www.yccpump.com
Valve connectors
Plast-O-Matic Valves has developed a patent-pending adapter permitting easy and compact connection of ball valves to standard plumbing tees. The design eliminates the need for reducing bushings and additional piping, and results in a significantly stronger connection. The Series LMBV is a machined, thick-wall fitting that becomes an integral part of the piping tee. Breaks, if any, will occur below the ball valve. The fittings also eliminate the need for zero deadleg valves in many applications. They are available in PVC, Corzan CPVC, Kynar PVDF, and natural polypropylene.
Plast-O-Matic Valves, Inc.
Cedar Grove, NJ
Tel: 973-256-3000
Clamp-on flowmeters
Controlotron's System 1010WP is the latest in a line of the company's clamp-on flowmeters. Available in submersible configurations, the flowmeters service virtually all full-pipe applications. Options include a pipewall thickness gauge, single or dual channel or path operation and Reflexor™ mode for liquids with medium to heavy suspended solids or aeration. The flowmeters support all industry standard data inputs and outputs such as; 4 to 20mA, 0 to 10 vDC, RS 232, pulse frequency, alarm relays.
Controlotron Inc.
Hauppauge, NY
Tel: 631-231-3600
Hydrogen sulfide monitor
Wastewater treatment facility managers now have a new weapon in their fight against corrosion and nuisance odors. High hydrogen sulfide levels, the primary culprit, can now be tracked with Arizona Instrument's new Jerome 860 continuous monitor. The hydrogen sulfide monitor's automatic, long-term monitoring helps users determine how well control measures are working. The unit measures and stores up to 100,000 data points, which can be downloaded to either a PDA or a PC. In-field calibration and customized reports allow users to verify and document results. Jerome Communication Software conveniently handles data analysis and storage.
Arizona Instrument
Tempe, AZ
Tel: 800-290-1414
Web: www.azic.com
Submersible pumps
A heavy duty submersible pump designed to handle various types of slurries has been introduced by ITT Flygt. Designated as the 5150, the pump is ideal for use in power plants for bottom ash, refineries for petroleum coke, steel manufacturing and most any other application where solid granules are present, which can rapidly erode pump volutes, impellers and other wear parts. The slurry pump incorporates a design that is simplified and has fewer parts. All wear parts are made of high chrome materials. The impeller is designed with the optimum combination of solids-handling capability, wear resistance and pump efficiency.
ITT Flygt Corp.
Trumbull, CT
Tel: 203-380-4700
Web: www.flygtus.com
Lab equipment
Shimadzu's new TOC-VW can be operated as a UV/Persulfate TOC, a Heated/ Persulfate TOC, or as a Heated-UV-Persulfate TOC system. The three oxidation methods ensure rapid breakdown of difficult to oxidize compounds. The analyzer can handle particulates up to 1.6 mm in diameter, the largest for any commercial analyzer.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.
Columbia, MD
Tel: 800-477-1227
Web: www.ssi.shimadzu.com
Condensate filters
Disposing of compressed air condensate is a major environmental concern. This oil/water mixture is classified as hazardous waste and cannot be discharged into municipal wastewater systems unless the oil and contaminants are removed. The Kaeser Condensate Filter (KCF) is designed to filter out oil and other contaminants making the water safe for disposal. The key to the KCF function is the three-stage, self-contained plastic filter cartridge, which is convenient for replacement and disposal. The unit requires no electricity and little maintenance. The filter cartridges are designed to handle most compressor lubricants and are available in two sizes. The KCF-20 is designed for flows of approximately 100 cfm, while the KCF-100 will handle flows up to 500 cfm. For larger flows, simply connect multiple KCF units together with an optional Flow Splitter.
Kaeser Compressors, Inc.
Fredericksburg, VA
Tel: 800-777-7873
Web: www.kaeser.com
Odor control
GE Water Technologies (GEWT) offers a line of wastewater odor control and water purification products. Unlike masking agents that simply cover up objectionable odors, the company's ProSweet™ products can neutralize offensive and toxic municipal sewage odors, including hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans and other acidic and reduced sulfur compounds. Its Muni Series of reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) systems have been designed to ensure contaminant removal and minimize operating costs by reducing pressure requirements and extending membrane life.
GE Water Technologies
Trevose, PA
Tel: 215-953-2348
Web: www.gewater.com
Ultrasonic level measurement
Ametek Drexelbrook has launched a new family of ultrasonic devices designed for continuous level measurement. The new IntelliScan™ and UniScan™ non-contact, ultrasonic level measurement instruments both feature the next generation in transducer technology and offer radar-like performance at an ultrasonic price. No calibration or maintenance is required. The instruments self adjust to virtually all types of conditions and environments and feature automatic ambient temperature adjustment. The same instrument can be used to measure liquids, solids, granular, slurry or open channel flow without needing to change the lightweight transducer.
Ametek Drexelbrook
Horsham, PA
Tel: 215-674-1234
Web: www.drexelbrook.com
Industrial wastewater evaporators
Severn Trent Services announces the well-known Samsco Water Evaporator SWE-II™ (The Sentry System). Eliminating sewer discharge and hauling liability, the evaporator improves operator control while minimizing labor. Units include multi-stage foam control, alarm history memory, context-sensitive "Help", and harsh environment resistance. Automatic oil-management, pH control, antifoam injection, and diagnostic modems are available.
Severn Trent Services
Goffstown, NH
Tel: 603-668-7111
Web: www.severntrentservices.com
Odor, corrosion control
Ipex is launching the Vortex Flow Insert, a system designed to eliminate sewer odor emissions and control corrosion. The insert's high-tech, low-maintenance design has no moving parts and offers substantial savings over conventional chemical injection systems. Applications include any sewers that have potential for odorous discharges including manhole drops, pumping station wet wells, and forcemain discharges. The insert features a patented spiral flow design that uses "passive hydraulic technology" to harnesses the energy of the sewage flow to re-aerate the sewage and oxidize odorous gases.
Ipex Inc.
Tel: 800-463-9572
Web: www.ipexinc.com
DO monitoring
Hach recently announced the new Hach LDO™ luminescent dissolved oxygen measurement technology. The DO monitoring system has no membrane to clean or replace, no electrolyte solutions to replenish and does not require frequent calibration. It uses a sensor coated with a luminescent material. Blue light from an LED is transmitted to the sensor surface and excites the luminescent material, which emits red light as it relaxes. The time from when the blue light was sent to when the red light is emitted is measured.
Hach Co.
Loveland, CO.
Tel: 970-669-3050
Web: www.hach.com
Pepcon Systems' ChlorMaster electrochlorinators provide on-site sodium hypochlorite generation for use in a variety of applications including wastewater disinfection, marine organism control, potable water chlorination, and odor control systems. The company's electrolytic cells are installed worldwide for use with sewage treatment plants, sewage collection systems, desalination plants, water treatment plants, onshore and offshore oil production facilities, power plants, and chemical plants.
Pepcon Systems Inc.
Cedar City, UT
Tel: 435-865-5045
Web: www.pepconsystems.com
Pumping systems
Shanley Pump offers a range of progressive cavity pumps with flows from 0.002 to 2,500 gpm, ideal for sludge handling and polymer (chemical ) metering, handling viscosities to 1,000,000 cp, and pressures to 800 psi. At the WEFTEC exhibition, the company will display working models of its EDUR DAF Pumps for economizing DAF Aeration systems; EDUR Vortex Pumps for large solids handling applications; and OSNA high pressure multistage centrifugal pumps.
Shanley Pump & Equipment, Inc.
Arlington Heights, IL
Tel: 847-439-9200
Web: www.shanleypump.com
Tertiary filter systems
Each Leopold tertiary filter is designed to achieve the specific performance requirements of individual wastewater treatment plants. More than 200 of the company's tertiary filter systems are installed throughout the U.S. and abroad. The company provides all components for a complete tertiary treatment system including the Universal® Type S® or Type SL® underdrain, the Engineered Filter Media® products, fiberglass products and filter controls. The filter controls are engineered according to plant layout, upstream conditions and effluent permit regulations to not only operate the filter cost-efficiently, but in compliance with stringent regulations.
F.B. Leopold Company, Inc.
Zelienople, PA
Tel: 724-452-6300
Web: www.fbleopold.com
Biosolids handling equipment
Brown Bear equipment is used for bioremediation, composting, lime, alum and wastewater sludge drying, and mixing and blending. Equipment is available as self-propelled units from 130-300 hp in four sizes. The equipment is offered with optional liquid spray systems for odor and dust control. The company also offers attachments for articulated loaders, crawler loaders, dozers, farm tractors and skid steer loaders.
Brown Bear Corp.
Corning, IA
Tel: 641-322-4220
Web: www.brownbearcorp.com
Hole plug assemblies
Stahlin Non-Metallic Enclosures, a manufacturer of fiberglass enclosure products, has introduced the PluggIt!™ Fiberglass Hole Plug Assembly. The assembly is designed to seal any hole where additional protection is needed. It was especially adapted for electrical enclosures, tank walls, HVAC duct work, and all other applications that have extra holes in them either from incorrect drilling or intentional drilling for later use.
Stahlin Non-Metallic Enclosures
Belding, MI
Tel: 616-794-0700
Web: www.stahlin.com
Plug valves
Val-Matic Cam-Centric Plug valves are ensured of a tight shaft seal through the use of Vee type packing and Packing Overload Protection (POP) shims. The packing is adjustable and replaceable and is protected by Grit Guard grit seals, which keep line media away from the packing. Pop shims are mounted under the packing follower and take the guesswork out of adjustment. The operator simply loosens the packing follower and removes one shim at a time, tightening the packing and assuring a good seal.
Val-Matic Inc.
Elmhurst, IL
Tel: 630-941-4672
Web: www.valmatic.com
Metering pump
Pulsafeeder offers the Pulsar® metering pump, which features a patent pending vapor handling system that ensures dosing accuracy with a true diaphragm metering pump. The new Pulsar HypoPump® meters sodium hypochlorite and its vapors. Pulsafeeder will be exhibiting the pump at the annual Water Environment Federation technical exhibit and conference.
Pulsafeeder, A Unit of IDEX Corp.
Rochester, NY
Tel: 585-292-8000
Web: www.pulsa.com