Dry-scrubbing media
New from Purafil Inc., the Purafil® SP Series sodium permanganate oxidizing media includes Odoroxidant SP and Odormix SP (a mix of Odoroxidant SP and Odorkol activated carbon media), that contain a 12% minimum sodium permanganate content and demonstrate a 50% higher working capacity for gaseous contaminants than Purafil’s premium Odoroxidant and Odormix media, respectively.
Purafil Inc.
Doraville, GA
Tel: 770-662-8545
Web: www.purafil.com
Sludge mixing
Litzler Environmental offers the patented HR-5000 mixing gun for use in anaerobic digesters. The guns feature a gas bubble generator mounted to the stackpipe for maximum mixing. A gas supply line is attached to an external compressor that releases gas under pressure into the interior chamber. Continuous large gas bubbles are generated to propel sewage sludge upwards for circulation, mixing, and digestion. Sludge passes only through the pipe thus eliminating ragging and fouling of the mixing gun.
Litzler Environmental Inc.
Cleveland, OH
Tel: 216-267-8020
Web: www.litzlerenvironmental.com
Polymer blending
Fluid Dynamics, a unit of Neptune Chemical Pump Co., has introduced the L Series dynaBLEND polymer blending and activation system. The series features diaphragm metering or progressing cavity pumps, plus a non-mechanical, high-energy polymer mixing chamber. Control options range from simple manual systems to fully instrumented PLC-based units with an unlimited variety of inputs and outputs. Standard units are available to provide activated polymer solution from 30 gph through 21,000 gph. Custom units are also available.
Fluid Dynamics Inc.
Boulder, CO
Tel: 888-530-7300
Web: www.dynablend.com
The Moyno® Pipeliner grinder prevents expensive maintenance of downstream process equipment by eliminating ragging in secondary and tertiary sludge applications. The grinder provides an effective solution to the disruptive, time consuming problem of inconsistent particle size frequently associated with handling solids in wastewater treatment processes. This self-contained solids reduction unit minimizes clogging and shortens mixing and filtration cycles. It’s a single shaft grinder with self-adjusting cutters.
Moyno Inc.
Springfield, OH
Tel: 937-438-3434
Web: www.moyno.com
Level transducer
With a 3-inch wide sensing area, the submersible Series 750 KPSI level transducer from Pressure Systems performs to specifications under extremely adverse, reactive conditions, making it ideal for highly viscous as well as sludge and greasy environments. This non-fouling, anti-clogging unit has a compact, 316 stainless steel housing with a welded, 316 stainless steel internal diaphragm and a PTFE elastomeric outer diaphragm directly exposed to the sensing medium.
Pressure Systems Inc.
Hampton, VA Tel: 800-678-7226 Web: www.pressuresystems.com
Filter press
EA Series filter presses are among the most efficient means of liquid/solid separation through pressure filtration, either for solution filtration or sludge volume reduction. Compressing and dewatering solids into cakes of 25-60% total concentration, they incorporate all the features of the company’s stainless steel presses, without the cost. EA Series presses include full thickness and height, tee-slotted, steel sidebars with stainless wear strips. Slide heads ride on full size roller and bearing assemblies. Skid shoes and pads are not used on any EA Series press.
Kingston, NY Tel: 800-553-7835 Web: www.ertelalsop.com
Sludge detector
The Pulsar SludgeFinder is a reliable liquid/sludge interface detector used widely in clarifiers. It eliminates the need for operators to manually check the interface several times a day. The unique mounting bracket allows for the submerged transducer to rotate out of the water as the rake comes around and then settle back. The transducer comes with a Wiper Blade to self-clean the face every 15 minutes. The system will monitor up to four different points giving a substantial cost savings.
Shalimar, FL
Tel: 850-609-1777
Web: www.pulsar-us.com
Serpentix’s new all stainless TransPorter conveyors are perfect for hauling sludge, grit, and screened material in industrial wastewater treatment process areas. A ¾-HP drive and a tension station are combined with standard curved and straight track sections to achieve over 20 utilitarian conveyor layouts up to 50 feet in length. Incline angles of 45 degrees are typical. Simple to install, a Serpentix® TransPorter conveyor can be delivered in 30 days.
Serpentix Conveyor Corp.
Westminster, CO
Tel: 800-466-7979
Web: www.serpentix.com
Filter presses
USFilter Dewatering Systems offers a full line of filter presses. The J-Press sidebar and overhead filter presses are among the most efficient, widely used filtration and liquid/solid separation equipment available. From large-scale municipal water production to industrial sludge dewatering, these units consistently deliver the highest cake solids and clearest filtrate. Easy to operate with minimal maintenance, they deliver exceptional performance under the most demanding applications.
USFilter Dewatering Systems
Holland, MI
Tel: 616-772-9011
Web: www.usfilterdsg.com.
Heavy duty pump
Watson-Marlow Bredel offers the heavy-duty SPX pump for challenging environmental applications such as those requiring reliable handling of harsh materials like sludge and abrasive slurries. Advanced hose technology enables pumping of corrosive chemicals dependably for a long period of time. It’s virtually maintenance free with no expensive seals to replace, no check valves to clog, and no rotors and stators to wear out.
Watson-Marlow Bredel
Wilmington, MA
Tel: 800-282-8823
Web: www.watson-marlow.com.
Pressure transmitter
Pepperl+Fuchs introduces Barcon PPC - a new pressure transmitter with a ceramic sensing face that offers great stability, no fluid fill (dry sensor), outstanding resistance to corrosive and abrasive media, and can be ordered for sanitary applications with the 3A mark. The transmitter offers continuous measurement of a wide range of process pressures for gases, vapors, and liquids. Intrinsically safe models allow for installations in explosive areas with certifications to CSA, FM and ATEX standards.
Twinsburg, OH
Tel: 330-486-0002
Web: www.am.pepperl-fuchs.com
Chopper pumps
Vaughan Company, manufacturer of chopper pumps for over 45 years, introduces the world’s largest 8" and 10" self-priming chopper pumps. These high-volume pumps are capable of flows up to 6000 GPM, at up to 70% efficiency, and with up to a 22' priming lift. Unique features include replaceable volutes, externally adjustable clearances, oversized inlets and T-C cartridge mechanical seal.
Vaughan Co. Inc.
Montesano, WA
Tel: 888-249-2467
Web: www.chopperpumps.com
The ability of a wastewater treatment plant to nitrify ammonia-containing wastes can be adversely affected by cold weather. In one mid-Atlantic state, a 3-mgd municipal treatment plant receiving high volumes of industrial and food-processing wastes began to exceed 3 mg/L nitrogen content permit limits when lagoon temperatures fell to 10°C.
Bioscience Inc.
Bethlehem, PA
Tel: 610-974-9693
Web: www.bioscienceinc.com
Influent evaluation
Determine biotreatability of any influent wastewater stream in 10-15 minutes with a simple respiration test performed by the Arthur Respirometer. The instrument simulates full scale treatment plant activity and conditions exactly, acting as a benchtop activated sludge plant. Besides toxicity and treatability, the test will also determine the concentration for treatment of inhibited wastewater that will have no effect on the wastewater plant’s microorganisms.
Respirometry Plus LLC
Fond du Lac, WI
Tel: 800-328-7518
Web: www.respirometryplus.com
Dewatering system
Super Products has added the Super Pak Dewatering system to its Camel line of Sewer and Catch Basin Cleaners. Super Pak allows the operator to compress the payload inside the debris body using the Camel’s patented pusher plate to squeeze water out of the payload allowing the operator to take a dry load to the dumpsite, which saves money on disposal costs. It also increases productivity and saves time by removing the excess liquids; the unit can stay on the job three times longer and reduces the trips to the dumpsite.
Super Products Corp.
New Berlin, WI
Tel: 800-837-9711
Web: www.superproductscorp.com
Mobile dewatering
Phoenix Process Equipment offers a variety of mobile sludge dewatering systems for dewatering simplicity and convenience. Components are selected to suit material processing requirements and provide maximum flexibility in a turnkey system, skid or trailer mounted, ready to perform. The company designs and manufacturers a variety of high quality dewatering machines for slurry volume reduction and process dewatering.
Phoenix Process Equipment Co.
Louisville, KY
Tel: 502-499-6198
Web: www.dewater.com
Belt filter press
The Ashbrook Simon-Hartley Klampress®, in its three belt configuration, increases throughput volumes and increases dewatering and thickening capabilities. The 3-Belt provides the addition of an independent gravity deck, and gives operators the option of operation in the gravity belt thickener (GBT) mode or operation in the belt filter press (BFP) mode - independently.
Ashbrook Simon-Hartley
Houston, TX
Tel: 800-362-9041
Web: www.ashbrookcorp.com
Pumps, mixers
The long-life silicon carbide seals used in Wilo EMU pumps and mixers have repeatedly demonstrated an ability to last 15-20 times longer than ordinary carbon-ceramic seals (and 2-½ to 3 times longer than tungsten carbide materials). This is particularly important because seal failure of any kind - particularly in tough pump and mixer applications - usually results in extensive damage to motor windings, motor bearings, as well as other internal components.
Thomasville, GA
Tel: 866-476-0323
Web: www.emu.de