WASHINGTON — Scientists have concluded that there was once a fresh water lake on Mars with potentially drinkable water after examining photos sent from NASA's Curiosity rover, according to an article from The Escapist magazine.
Scientists have known that Mars used to have water, but the evidence of fresh water indicates that life could have existed on Mars at one time, the article reported.
The lake, which existed 3.6 billion years ago, was discovered earlier this year and it was recently confirmed that the water there was low in salinity, the article noted.
"Previous results from Spirit and Opportunity [rovers] pointed to very acidic water, but what we're seeing in Gale Crater is evidence of fresh water," Jim Bell, an Arizona State University scientist said. "Very neutral. Drinkable."
The rover made this discovery by studying 4 billion-year-old rocks in the crater, noted the article.
Read the full article here.