WASHINGTON — The National Climate Assessment has reported that the U.S. will see a rise in flooding, both coastal and river, in addition to an increase in heat wave frequency and severity and heavier rainfalls as a result of climate change, according to an article by the Syracuse Post Standard.
The National Climatic Data Center reports that the Northeast has been affected more than any other region by these changes, reported the article, particularly in the form of extreme, flood-producing rainfalls.
"The findings in this National Climate Assessment underscore the need for urgent action to combat the threats from climate change, protect American citizens and communities today and build a sustainable future for our kids and grandkids," said a news release from the White House.
The report found that populations in the Northeast are concentrated along rivers and flood plains, making them more vulnerable to floods, continued the article, and that urban residents are at increased risk for the effects of heat extremes.
According to the article, the changes will have specific effects on the energy sector, public health, sea levels and transportation.
Read the full article here.