FRESNO, Calif. — With many farmers in California dealing with severe drought conditions, recycled water is starting to play a huge role in making sure crops are watered, according to KFSN News.
Toilet water and other reclaimed waters are being used to help irrigate non-edible crops, noted the article.
Farmers said that once they get over the smell they found that the irrigated water can be reliable and effective.
The Fresno-Clovis Wastewater Treatment plant collects 60 million gallons of raw sewage every day, which is then filtered and cleaned through biological and chemical processes, stated the article.
"That water is then sent to 1700 acres of infiltration ponds where the majority of it is infiltrated back into the groundwater,” said Steve Hogg, the assistant director of Public Utilities for the city of Fresno, Calif. “About 10 percent of that is sent directly to our neighboring farmers."