NEW ORLEANS — The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread announced the release of "Navigating to New Shores: Seizing the Future for Sustainable and Resilient U.S. Freshwater Resources," a report that culminates the Foundation’s work through its Charting New Waters (CNW) initiative, according to a press release.
In CNW’s latest phase, the initiative focused on what it will take to transform the U.S.’s aging 19th– and 20th-century water infrastructure into strong 21st-century systems sustaining the nation’s environment, economy and society for future generations, stated the release.
The release reported that by aiming to help local, state and national leaders set a course for and navigate decisions regarding the conception, financing, construction and management of water infrastructure, CNW’s ultimate objective is to accelerate the extensive adoption of successful and innovative water infrastructure and management solutions.
The final CNW report contains a set of recommendations to catalyze transformative changes in how the U.S. manages its fresh water resources in the face of climate change, failing infrastructure, drought, extreme storms and other critical challenges; recommendations are informed by more than 600 diverse experts who have participated in the CNW initiative.
“We all need water and count on it to survive,” said Johnson Foundation at Wingspread Director of the Environment Program Dr. Lynn Broaddus. “Our economy would grind to a halt without the reliable, safe, disease-free water that most North Americans have come to take for granted. Tackling our water infrastructure challenges presents an opportunity for future economic growth and an overall better quality of life for all of us.”
You can find the prerecorded overview presentation of the report here.