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The WaterTechOnline.com podcast series can be found at www.watertechonline.com/podcasts. Most recently, Assistant Editor Maria Woodie interviewed Mitchell “Mitch” Kostich, research biologist with EPA’s Office of Research and Development, and Jeff Szabo, environmental engineer for the National Homeland Security Research Center in EPA’s Office of Research and Development. In part one of this special two-part podcast with EPA, Kostich offered insight into concentrations of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater and what these levels may mean concerning the quality and safety of the wastewater effluent. In part two, Szabo disscused various types of bio (biological) agents commonly found in water, as well as the risks they may pose to the public.
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Here are some online exclusive articles WaterTechOnline.com visitors have been reading.
Municipal Insider – Winter Edition
In this edition, we feature articles on such topics as California’s chromium-6 MCL, San Jose Water Company’s search for a Spatial IT solution and more.
Top 14 for 2014
In December’s e-newsletter, we focused on the top news of the year. Visit https://www.watertechonline.com/enewsletters for previous newsletters or to sign up for free.
Pure Water Profits blog
Dale Filhaber of Dataman Group offers advice to water treatment dealers looking to get ahead of the competition in her biweekly blog.
Thank you to all of our Twitter followers and for sharing our tweets. We frequently profile a follower in WaterTech e-News Daily. In December, we profiled a new follower: @MelissaJoanHart.