EPA breaks down Clean Power Plan

Aug. 5, 2015

WASHINGTON — Regional Administrator Gina McCarthy explains six key things about the historic plan.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released "Six things every American should know about the Clean Power Plan" by Regional Administrator Gina McCarthy, according to a press release.

The document breaks the plan down into six key facts to help the American public understand its purpose, noted the release.

  1. It slashes the carbon pollution fueling climate change. Power plants’ carbon pollution is the largest contributor to climate change, and the plan is meant to cut this "pollution from the power sector 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, all while keeping energy reliable and affordable."
  2. It protects families’ health. A reduction in smog and soot will decrease premature deaths, asthma attacks, hospital admissions and sick days from school and work, stated the release.
  3. It puts states in the driver’s seat. While power plants across the country must follow uniform carbon pollution standards, states will set their own goals based on their current energy needs. The EPA will develop a model rule states can choose to follow if they wish.
  4. It’s built on input from millions of Americans. The plan received unprecedented feedback from Americans, including 4.3 million comments on the draft and hundreds of meetings with various stakeholders. The plan extended the timeframe for mandatory emissions reduction when states and utilities expressed concern over the schedule.
  5. It will save us billions of dollars every year. Benefits related to public health and climate savings are expected to be $45 billion every year, reported the release. The average American should see his or her monthly electricity bill decrease by 7 percent in 2030.
  6. It puts the U.S. in a position to lead on climate action. Wind and solar energy are growing in the U.S., shared the release. "The solar industry is adding jobs 10 times faster than the rest of the economy." McCarthy notes that climate change is a global problem, and this plan will allow the U.S. to lead the charge in finding solutions to combat it.

You can find the entire release here.

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