STUART, Fla. — Oct. 8, 2015 — Chlorinators Incorporated representatives will travel to the 76th International Water Conference in Orlando Nov. 15-19, according to a press release. Attendees can visit the business at Booth 608.
The company will celebrate its 40th anniversary in the water quality industry at the event, noted the release. The trade show is sponsored by the Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania.
The release stated that the Chlorinators Incorporated designed the first direct-cylinder, mounted all-vacuum gas chlorinator in 1960 before improving the product design in 1975. The company now designs many products for municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment in several industries.
In addition, the Regal™ brand product lines serve industries including fruit and vegetable washing, drip irrigation, nurseries, poultry, dairy and other livestock drinking water, meat, poultry and seafood processing, reported the release.