Kick-start your marketing program with 55 words that convert

Jan. 4, 2016

As always, marketers need to test to see which verb performs best for their individual direct marketing programs.

It doesn’t matter whether this is a subject line of an email, teaser copy on an envelope, the headline of a post or even a tweet — the right verb can make a dramatic difference in the response or open rate.

Marketing guru Pat Friesen has put together this comprehensive list of the top 55 words that convert.

As always, marketers need to test to see which one performs best for their individual direct marketing programs.

Try to use these key words in a question format — your goal is to create a conversation with them.

For example:

  • How can you improve the taste of your water?
  • Can you save money on home repairs?
  • Do you want to get rid of contaminants in your water?
  • Want to compare the water your dog drinks?

By the way, I used the verb "kick-start" in my headline to generate interest. If you’re reading this — it worked!

1.     act

2.     add

3.     apply

4.     boost

5.     buy

6.     build

7.     call

8.     choose

9.     claim

10.  click

11.  compare

12.  confirm

13.  connect

14.  contact

15.  discover

16.  download

17.  explore

18.  find

19.  follow

20.  get

21.  grab

22.  go

23.  improve

24.  increase

25.  join

26.  kick-start

27.  keep

28.  like 29.  learn

30.  make

31.  master

32.  pack

33.  plan

34.  perfect

35.  polish

36.  read

37.  receive

38.  reduce

39.  register

40.  reply

41.  save

42.  see

43.  send

44.  share

45.  shop

46.  sign (up)

47.  start

48.  take

49.  talk

50.  try

51.  tweet

52.  update

53.  view

54.  visit

55.  watch


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