AUSTIN, Texas — The WateReuse Association urges those within the water industry to attend the 2015 Industrial and Commercial Water Reuse Conference Feb. 1-3, 2015, at the Hilton Austin located in downtown Austin, according to information provided by the WateReuse Association.
The 2015 Industrial and Commercial Water Reuse Conference program revealed that the conference will focus on sustainable water policies, accounting and conservation of water and energy as well as the development and application of reuse technologies and water treatment.
The conference will cover topics including: Corporate sustainability initiatives resulting in measurable water use reductions, case studies and “lessons learned” related to using municipal effluent in place of potable water and internal reuse of industrial and commercial water supplies, and more.
The “early bird” registration deadline is set for Dec. 5.
Register for the 2015 Industrial and Commercial Water Reuse Conference here.
You can find more information on the conference here.