


About Memsift


Memsift Innovations Pte Ltd, Blk 192 Pandan Loop, #07-05 Pantech Business Hub

More Info on Memsift

Memsift is the developer and manufacturer of the novel vapor transfer membrane STOMATE and the thermal membrane system TS-30. Memsift is providing solutions for high strength industrial effluent treatment, liquid-waste volume reduction, resource recovery, brine treatment, zero liquid discharge and aqueous/organic separations for various industries using their proprietary technologies. The STOMATE is a highly hydrophobic hollow fibre membrane that prevents wetting. Memsift’s TS-30 system is a unique membrane distillation process that recycles latent heat to achieve high thermal efficiency. Both these technologies bring down the industrial effluent treatment cost significantly and at the same time allow the treatment of some of the most aggressive chemicals which are difficult to handle.        

Articles & News

Photo 2 The Ts 30 Improved Membrane Distillation System In Operation At An Industrial Site In Singapore

US Patent Office grants Memsift Innovations patent for its core Membrane Distillation technology

Feb. 14, 2022
The technology has been well-demonstrated for industrial liquid-waste treatment and resource recovery for pharmaceutical, chemical/pulp and metal finishing/mining industries.
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Memsift establishes partnership with Birla Cellulose for piloting innovative membrane technology for resource recovery applications

Nov. 9, 2021
Birla Cellulose plans to pilot and evaluate the state-of-the-art technologies from Memsift to recover more than 95% of water and chemical recovery from its waste streams.

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