CHINA, JUNE 25, 2019 -- Beijing Anguo Water Treatment Automation Engineering Technology Company has awarded an eye-catching order for 88 mixers to Landia.
The POPL-I BioMover mixers, for the Sanhe Yanjiao West WWTP and Sanhe Economic Development Zone WWTP on the eastern outskirts of Beijing, are for the very gentle treatment of biofilm carriers in anaerobic and anoxic tanks.
Designed for a fill ratio of 30% the Landia BioMover mixers, with a propeller tip speed of only 4.2 m/sec., keeps the bio media in suspension without damaging the carriers – as well as keeping sieves free from clogging.
Thorkild Maagaard, Landia's Export Sales Director, said:" It is very encouraging to see such a healthy appetite for investing in equipment that is long-lasting, highly efficient and extremely reliable. China is setting a very good example to the world".
He added:" With our dedicated team in China (led by sales manager Danny Zhang), we are also able to offer first-class support and back-up to our customers".
To save time, reduce carbon footprint and reduce costs, the 88 Landia mixers will make a 15-day journey by train from Hamburg in Germany to Zhengzhou, the capital of China's Henan province. The cargo train takes less than half the time of shipping by sea and is also less than half the price of air freight.
Landia has previously supplied its BioMover mixers to an advanced water treatment plant in Agra, India – home of the Taj Mahal – whilst in China, Landia has earned an enviable reputation for its pumps, mixers and understanding of China's wastewater treatment plants. It has, for example, supplied a plant in Guilin, southern China with flowmakers, mixers and recirculation pumps since 1995.
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