• Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority's Aguirre thermoelectric plant enjoys multiple benefits from a DI wastewater treatment upgrade with new special IX resin, reducing cost and related service expenses.
Operations and chemistry management for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) Aguirre thermoelectric plant in Salinas, Puerto Rico, report dramatic reduction of acid, caustic and man-hours for co-flow deionization/demineralization (DI) of boiler feedwater, as well as man-hours for DI wastewater treatment, by changing its ion exchange (IX) resin and regeneration procedure. The move also resulted in performance recognition for the plant and its chemist, including the Manuel A. Perez Government Employees Performance Prize.
Table 1. Decrease in acid & caustic consumption after IX resin change | Acid | Caustic |
Before | 11 lbs/ft3 | 10 lbs/ft3 |
After | 5.5-6 lbs/ft3 | 6-7 lbs/ft3 |
The resin change was necessitated by spiraling costs for acid and caustic due to increasing hardness in its deep well boiler feedwater source. During the past 30 years, the water table has dropped 20 ft., with magnesium and calcium now reaching 420-450 parts per million (ppm) ; chloride 80-90 ppm; and silica 37 ppm. No new capital investment was available to address the problem. The resin replacement solution, seen as especially valuable for co-flow DI plants, was significantly aided by high-predictability cost comparison software.
"Solving the problem by changing the water source was not an option when the condition was detected," said Justo L. Gonzalez, operations manager. "PREPA owns a lake, but there was no capital available at that time for the channel, pipeline, pumps, and probably also ultrafiltration pretreatment that would have been required."
"Changing the ion exchange resin is now being recommended as the best way to improve performance of the demineralization system at other PREPA plants that have the same problem with their deep well sources."
To protect turbine blades and minimize deposit buildup in steam piping, the plant requires boiler feed water silica (SiO
2) at < 125 parts per billion (ppb), as well as targeting complete removal of chloride (Cl
-1), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca). Since the installation of the new resin, SiO
2 is running < 50-60 ppb, and Cl
-1, Mg, and Ca are non-detectable.
Results from New Resin
"For regeneration before we changed resins, we needed 11 lbs of acid per cubic foot (cu. ft. or ft³) of resin, and now we only need 5.5-6 lbs.," said Luis A. "Tony" Reyes Santini, the plant chemist. "Meanwhile, 10 lbs. of caustic in the bath previously is now down to about 6-7 lbs."
"As a result, we have not only saved more than $750,000 in the first year and over $1,000,000 in the second year in chemical costs, but also due to longer service cycle time we now need 40% less man-hours for demineralization and 20% less for DI wastewater treatment. That has allowed me to use my technicians for other analyses to help make the plant run more efficiently, while I have more time for equipment repair and maintenance."
"I have also cut water consumption for regeneration by 25%, or about 100,000 gpd, helping us to avoid a crisis in water supply for the high pressure boilers."
An IX co-flow DI system with shallow shell resin serves each of the plant's two 450 MW boilers. This cut the acid requirement by 50% and caustic by 40%, also reducing man-hours by 40% for DI, and by 20% for WWT. Thus costs for protecting the turbine and minimizing steam pipe deposits, with ongoing high levels of hardness from the deep-well feedwater source for boiler, also were dramatically reduced.">