Special edition newsletter covers WEFTEC 2014

Oct. 31, 2014

BIRMINGHAM — In case you missed it, check out Water Technology’s Special Edition e-Newsletter: WEFTEC 2014.

BIRMINGHAM — Water Technology’s latest Special Edition e-Newsletter on the Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) 87th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC 2014) was recently released.

Once a month, our Special Edition e-Newsletter’s challenge-solution format features a new topic, providing in-depth online exclusive content on issues pertaining to the special topic that are most pressing to subscribers.

This month, we feature articles centered on WEFTEC 2014, with topics including: A new exhibition record, a podcast on wastewater recovery and a WEFTEC panel discussion, 2014-2015 Board of Trustees and more.

Other recent news on the conference covered in this month’s special newsletter include: The winners of WEFTEC’s Operations Challenge and the 2014 WEF Student Design Competition.

You can subscribe to the Special Topic e-Newsletter, or any of our other online exclusive e-Newsletters here.

Did you miss last month’s topic on water softening and conditioning? Check it out here.

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