The Membrane Technology Conference (MTC), presented by the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) will be held March 16–20 at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Ariz. Consultants, designers, regulators, manufacturers, and engineers gather at this annual conference and exposition to share the latest advancements in membrane technologies, water and wastewater treatment, desalination, and bioreactor applications. MTC will feature technical sessions, preconference workshops, tours, networking events, and an exhibit hall.
MTC Workshops on Monday, March 16, will offer additional opportunities for hands-on learning. An additional registration and fee are required to participate in these workshops. Topics for the preconference sessions include:
- Evolution of ceramic membranes
- Inland desalination and concrete management
- Reuse considerations
The keynote, presented by Christopher Mattson on March 17, is titled “Village Drill: A Case Study in Engineering for Global development.” Mattson will explain how a unique device created a 15-centimeter (6-inch) borehole as deep as 76 meters (250 feet) to reach groundwater suitable for drinking.
Other technical sessions target users in the fields of wastewater management, reuse, research, nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO), and operations.
The opportunity for facility tours will be available on Friday, March 20. An additional registration and fee are required to participate. Facility tours are not included in the full conference registration, and a waiver may be required to participate. Tour locations include:
- City of Goodyear RO Plant
- Scottsdale Water Campus Advanced Water Treatment Plant (UF and RO)
- Ak-Chin Indian Community’s Surface Water Treatment Plant (UF & MBR)
MTC Awards
Presented during the event, the Robert O. Vernon – Membrane Plant Operator of the Year Award will recognize contributions to water supply improvements by an individual working at a membrane, desalination and/or water reuse facility.
The Membrane Facility of the Year Award will recognize a water/wastewater facility that uses membrane technology with high efficiency and an environmentally friendly approach.
AMTA Awards
The Outstanding Member award will be presented to an AMTA member who demonstrated improvement of the nation’s water supply through individual effort in the desalting and/or water reuse areas. Examples include contribution to AMTA, contribution to the exchange of information concerning the state of the art of desalination and/or water reuse, and contribution to the desalination or water reuse industries.
The Hall of Fame Award will recognize pioneering and/or lifetime contribution by an individual to water supply improvement and/or reuse technologies using membrane technologies. Review criteria will include pioneering efforts in research or application to establish water supply improvement and/or reuse membrane technologies and a lifetime of significant contribution in these areas. An individual inducted into the AMTA’s Hall of Fame may be a member or nonmember. Hall of Fame Award recipients are granted lifetime honorary membership.
The following pages contain a sneak peek at some of the products and services that will be on display in the exhibit hall. For more information, visit
Membrane Systems
Aqua-Aerobic Systems is an applied engineering company specializing in advanced water and wastewater solutions. Featured products include ultrafiltration and microfiltration membrane systems and cloth media filtration. Visit booth #413 to learn how Aqua-Aerobic technologies can increase efficiency, save time, and lower costs.
Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.
Booth 413
Water Testing Instrumentation
For over 60 years, the Myron L Company has been a leading manufacturer of some of the most trusted digital and analog water testing instruments around the globe. Our research and development team continually creates durable, reliable, accurate, and simple-to-use instrumentation for municipal, commercial, and industrial water and wastewater quality control. The Myron L Company is a private, family-owned California corporation that proudly manufacturers its products and hosts live technical support and customer service in our Carlsbad, California, (U.S.) headquarters. To learn more and check out our products, visit us at booth #203!
Myron L Company
Booth 203