DENVER — WateReuse Colorado, part of the WateReuse Association, has issued a call for abstracts for the 2014 Rocky Mountain Water Reuse Workshop, according to a press release.
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are due April 28 for the workshop, to be held August 14 at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colo., the release reported.
This workshop is devoted to sustaining water supplies through water reuse in Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico, noted the release.
According to the release, the event sponsors are WateReuse Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association (RMWEA)/Rocky Mountain Section of the American Water Works Association (RMSAWWA) Joint Water Reuse Committee.
Areas of emphasis for abstracts, continued the release, may include: Cost allocation and funding of projects, reuse of produced water, direct and indirect potable reuse, industrial reuse, regulations, public education, operational challenges, salinity management, drinking water supply augmentation, research or regional case studies.
Read the full release here.