DENVER — The Water Research Foundation (WRF) and Los Angeles County Public Works — Waterworks received the 2014 Outstanding Sustainability Project of the Year award from the Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), according to a press release.
“Minimizing Waste Backwash Water from a Biological Denitrification Treatment System,” the winning project, was jointly-funded by WRF and Los Angeles County Public Works, stated the release.
The release reported that the project focuses on measuring biological denitrification’s (BDN) efficiency in removing potential co-contaminants, particularly hexavalent chromium, from groundwater and investigating the viability of recovering waste backwash water through a BDN treatment system.
Los Angeles County Public Works and WRF worked together to observe BDN further in anticipation of a California Department of Public Health MCL for hexavalent chromium, which was approved earlier this year for an MCL of 0.010 mg/l, noted the release.
“We are honored by this award and want to thank ASCE for the recognition, and also LA County Public Works and our research partners at Water Quality & Treatment Solutions Inc. for collaborating with us on such an important project,” said WRF Executive Director Rob Renner. “We are focused on funding research that delivers valuable insights and information to the water community and this work in exploring BDN is just another wonderful example of what these types of projects can uncover.”
Read the entire release here.