ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The WateReuse Research Foundation released a new white paper titled, “The Opportunities and Economics of Direct Potable Reuse (WRRF-14-08),” according to a press release.
Reported in the white paper is that for many communities, a viable and affordable solution for prolonged and severe droughts and other factors that have made water supplies increasingly scarce in many regions throughout the U.S., such as California and Texas, is to turn wastewater into purified drinking water, stated the release.
The release continued that also in the white paper, Dr. Robert S. Raucher of Stratus Consulting and Dr. George Tchobanoglous of the University of California, Davis, found that potable water reuse is generally comparable in cost to, or less expensive than, the potential alternative sources of new water supplies available for communities in areas like California.
In addition to comparative cost, the white paper also found that potable reuse can be compared favorability to other new water supply alternatives with regards to energy requirements, reliability and environmental considerations, noted the release.
You can download the white paper for free on WateReuse Research Foundation’s website here.