SAN DIEGO — Oct. 20, 2015 — Water for Life began a campaign to improve access to clean water by supplying families, schools, orphanages and villages with water filters, according to a press release.
Through Indiegogo, Water for Life and Sawyer will provide Personal MINI water filters for families in need, noted the release. The organizations are taking pledges to raise funds for the filters.
The campaign received $25,000 in its first few days, enough for 500 filters for families in Cambodia, stated the release. Water for Life also wants to send filters to Kenya and India.
“Clean water is a basic human need, but not available to 1.4 billion people around the world,” says Water for Life founder Rudy Shaffer in the release. “I have traveled to many countries where children are in desperate need of safe drinking water. This high-tech filter is a sustainable solution to supply clean, safe drinking water and directly affects the children that are dying each day from waterborne diseases. We see the immediate difference and impact in people’s lives from this amazing technology.”
The personal filters can purify up to 100,000 gallons of drinking water, filtering out 99.9 percent of waterborne illnesses, reported the release. A family filter can purify up to 150 gallons of water per day for up to 10 years.
Contributors can donate toward several options, including $1 to support clean water initiatives, to $35 to provide a filter to families and children in developing countries.