The Gemini® Emergency Shutoff System adds a new level of safety to gas chlorine feed systems. Designed specifically for dual 150-lb chlorine cylinder applications, the Gemini System, with its two Terminator® actuators, stops a chlorine leak within seconds of detection by automatically closing the cylinder valves. The actuators are simply placed on top of the valves and protection begins. All fire codes recognize it as an acceptable alternative to a scrubber.
Halogen Valve Systems Inc.
Compound water meterSensus OMNI™ Compound (C²) water meters feature floating ball technology (FBT), which uses an impeller with a ball design. The impeller is weightless in the water line and can begin moving with very little water flow or force through the meters. As a result, OMNI C² meters have an extended flow range with greater low-flow sensitivity. They also have the ability to capture extended high-flow rates, all with virtually no wear on the water meters. The OMNI™ Compound (C²S) is stainless steel and comes in 1.5-, 2- and 3-inch sizes.
Skid-mounted systemsWorld Water Works has announced the launch of its new Ideal Pre-Fab™ product line. The sustainable design incorporates core IDEAL™ products into pre-engineered skid-mounted systems, offering customers a “plug-and-play” option that greatly reduces onsite work. Products arrive fully assembled, pre-wired and pre-plumbed, with little installation required, and are available for the Ideal DAF™ (Dissolved Air Flotation), Ideal MBBR™ (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) and the Ideal S-Select® bulking sludge management technology.
World Water Works
Control panelsVal-Matic’s Control Panels provide low-maintenance service to butterfly, plug and ball valves that have cylinder actuators. The hydraulic control panel permits changes to the valve operating times in order for the valves surge characteristics to be the same as the piping system. Additionally, the electric control panel connects with the hydraulic control panel and pump motor controls to allow for remote monitoring of valve operation and alarm conditions. Hydraulic and electric panels operate pump control valves with air, oil or water power and include solenoid and flow control valves.
Val-Matic Valve & Manufacturing Corp.
pH sensorsSensorex S270 Series pH sensors provide accurate pH measurement for plant water/wastewater treatment. Economical and easy-to-clean, the sensors are compatible with virtually all commercially available transmitters and controllers, including the Sensorex TX100, 2000 or 3000 pH/ORP Transmitter family. The sensors are available in a range of configurations to meet the needs of both industrial and municipal end users. S270 sensors are a cost-effective choice for wastewater discharge monitoring in both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment settings, as well as other online water quality and process applications.
Demand management solutionsWaterSmart Software has announced an expansion of its demand management solutions to all utility meter classes, and utilities now have an integrated view of water deliveries to all customers. The company’s expanded platform gives water utilities unprecedented visibility into customer-use patterns, which aids in water balance reporting, pressure district leak prioritization, drought management compliance, and other critical utility operations. It also helps utilities seamlessly deploy customer engagement programs over mobile, email, text, and print.
WaterSmart Software
Gas detectorsThe REGAL Series 3000 Gas Detectors are designed to accurately sense the presence of chlorine and/or sulfur dioxide in an enclosed environment. In the event of a possible gas leak, the Series 3000 detectors continuously display the concentration level(s) in ppm while simultaneously indicating the highest level detected on an LED bar graph. The REGAL detectors are available in both single and dual sensor models. Models 3001 (Cl2) and 3003 (SO2) are single sensor detectors, and Models 3002 (Cl2), 3004 (SO2) and 3005 (Cl2 and SO2) are dual sensor.
Chlorinators Incorporated & Regal Systems International
Smart water softwareTrimble has introduced the latest version of its smart water mapping and work management cloud software - Trimble® Unity™ version 2.0. The version adds new capabilities to support complex water, wastewater and stormwater industry asset maintenance planning and work execution workflows; “Bring Your Own Device” GNSS mapping receivers for smart devices; and cloud-based single sign-on integration with Esri ArcGIS Online. It features advanced asset maintenance capabilities that allow utility customers to quickly search and group various types of utility assets into prioritized collections that can be easily assigned to crews for completion.
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