KINGWOOD, TEXAS, and SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, March 4, 2014 -- Envirogen Technologies, Inc. and Inotec, Inc. recently entered into a joint technology development agreement with the goal of advancing the performance of bioreactors in groundwater, mining water and a wide range of wastewater treatment applications.
The initial focus of the project will be on reducing the amount of substrate (electron donor) required to successfully operate anoxic bioreactors, as well as on minimizing the amount of solids generated during operation. Bioreactor treatment operating costs are among the lowest of any type of water treatment technology today -- with substrate and solids handling representing a significant portion of long-term project costs. Initial targets for technology development will be the removal of metals and inorganics such as perchlorate, nitrate, sulfate, selenium, arsenic, mercury, and more.
According to Dave Enegess, Senior Vice President for Envirogen, the potential synergies for Envirogen's fluidized bed reactor (FBR) and Inotec's electro-biochemical reactor (EBR) technologies can benefit companies in need of high-performance, lower-cost water treatment. "The goal here is first to be able to develop better solutions tailored to groundwater and wastewater treatment applications in mining, power, chemical, and refining facilities -- and potentially to develop revolutionary, next-step bioreactor technology," he said.
Envirogen's FBR is a fixed-film bioreactor in which biological media is suspended, or fluidized, within the reactor vessel by the upward flow of water through the system. High concentrations of biomass, its plug-flow characteristics and tall beds minimize bioreactor footprint and shorten retention times. They offer steady-state performance without the need for backwashing and are tolerant of high-feed total dissolved and suspended solids and metals.
Accordingly, Inotec's EBR provides electrons to microbes in reactor environments using low DC voltage potential (1-3 volts) and mA current in configurations that provide an electron density gradient or a controlled electron density. The provided electrons result in increased microbial contaminant transformation kinetics, reduced retention times and reductions in the amount of nutrients and chemicals required for contaminant removal.
About Envirogen Technologies, Inc.
Envirogen Technologies, Inc. is an environmental technology and process solutions provider that combines experience in water and vapor phase treatment with process development expertise - delivering long-term, guaranteed solutions in a broad range of treatment and process-related applications. In industrial markets such as mining, hydrocarbon processing and chemical processing, Envirogen also specializes in process water treatment, byproduct recovery and chemical purification. For more information, visit
About Inotec, Inc.
Inotec, Inc. is an environmental engineering and biotechnology company providing innovative solutions to remove metals, inorganics, and organic contaminants from industry waters. Inotec combines source treatment, semi-passive, and bioreactor technologies into site-tailored systems to address a broad spectrum of water treatment issues in a sustainable manner. The company's goal is to combine proven technologies and expertise to deliver the most reliable and economical water treatment solutions for re-use or safe release to the environment. For more information, visit