The portable SD900 sampler is used by technical staff at Fonterra's Edgecumbe Cream Products Plant in New Zealand to quantify wastewater losses from various process startup and shutdown stages, then feedback of this information to plant operators is used to improve control by minimising product losses in line flushes.EDGECUMBE, New Zealand, Sept. 30, 2009 -- At its Edgecumbe cream products plant, new sampler technology is playing an important role in helping New Zealand's Fonterra
Dairy Cooperative further optimize process control and minimize product loss.Sampling is a critically important task in the dairy industry. Since the 1970s, special emphasis has been given to
wastewater sampling because tighter restrictions on
wastewater discharge have placed greater accountability on the industry. Today, wastewater sampling is also highly important in loss reduction programs, to help maximize the bottom line. Fortunately, innovations in sampling technology have helped bring efficiencies to these programs and lessen the time and labor workload.The Fonterra Dairy Cooperative in
New Zealand is the country's largest company, with revenue representing more than 25% of total New Zealand exports. It's also the world's largest dairy exporter, processing about 15 billion liters of dairy products annually and exporting to more than 140 markets. Fonterra is owned by more than 10,000 supplier shareholders who together own about 3.8 million cows.
Fonterra's strong drive for innovation and efficiency has prompted loss monitoring technology and information systems to be installed at all of its manufacturing sites. The objective is to minimize the amount of milk solids going into wastewater from processing operations and equipment cleaning. Fonterra has developed specialized treatment and measurement techniques aimed at achieving best-in-class dairy production and processing, as well as wastewater management and beneficial reuse.
Determining Efficiencies, Reducing Losses
To monitor compliance to specific resource consent (discharge) conditions, determine efficiency and operation parameters before and after wastewater treatment, and to monitor trials for acceptance criteria during project commissioning, Fonterra conducts ongoing sampling programs to perform analysis and characterization of wastewater composition.
"We also perform sampling to gain measurement of product loss components to compare against process control targets," says Fonterra senior technologist Harold Prieditis. "From this data we initiate corrective action for loss minimization where applicable." Prieditis says yield enhancement through loss reduction and continuous improvement is an important strategy for Fonterra. "At a current value of about $5.20/kg milk solids, significant financial gains are possible by reducing losses by even a small amount."
Sampling at Fonterra's many processing plants is conducted from process pipelines, or from wastewater sumps and drains, either inside or external to the plant.
"External wastewater drains are monitored daily by specialized permanent measurement systems," Prieditis says. "Sometimes external upstream contributory drains need to be surveyed for loss segregation purposes and a portable type of sampler may be used for this."
Equipped for All Sampling Methods
Sampling systems in use at Fonterra production sites include various types and models of air operated piston samplers, a range of solenoid valves, vacuum samplers, and several types of peristaltic samplers.