Ultrasonic flowmeters

Feb. 17, 2022
Endress+Hauser’s Prosonic Flow W 400 clamp-on and I 400 insertion units provide comprehensive process monitoring with long-term cost efficiency and extensive diagnostics.

Endress+Hauser’s Prosonic Flow W 400 clamp-on and I 400 insertion units provide comprehensive process monitoring with long-term cost efficiency and extensive diagnostics. The sensors pair with Endress+Hauser’s Proline 400 transmitter to provide a complete flow metering solution. The flowmeter uses a nonintrusive, clamp-on measurement method, with its ultrasonic sensors mounted directly on a pipe’s exterior, providing safe measurement of many fluids, independent of their conductivity or other properties. Because neither piping nor process flow are interrupted, clamp-on flowmeters can be easily used for retrofitting at any time. They are suitable for low- or high-pressure applications, on pipes smaller than 1 inch in diameter, and up to 160 inches, such as those encountered in water distribution. It can be used to measure flow, verify previously installed flowmeters and detect leaks in a pipeline.


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