Courtesy of Emerson
Emerson will feature a live demonstration of its new EIM Aquanaught submersible electric actuator at booth #8121 at WEFTEC 2018, October 1-3 in New Orleans. The EIM Aquanaught, a waterproof submersible electric actuator, is designed to meet critical isolation demands on wastewater treatment plants during high water conditions. The actuator can be submerged and still operate under 150 feet of dirty water for seven days, which is three times deeper and 40 percent longer than competing submersible technologies. The Aquanaught features a robust mechanical design with a waterproof enclosure and hermetically sealed connections that ensure uninterrupted plant operation during flooding conditions. Ideal for gate or valve isolation applications found in wastewater, water, collection systems, hydropower, flood control and desalination plants, the design allows these facilities to remain in control of their isolation needs from a safe remote location even if the actuator becomes submerged for extended periods of time. Waterproof sensors provide an additional level of protection by enabling early diagnostic and preventive maintenance during the flooding event.
Smith & Loveless to highlight new equipment at WEFTEC
Smith & Loveless (S&L) will introduce new advanced clean water treatment systems, present technical sessions on advanced biofilm technology and cost-saving packaged headworks and demonstrate an actual array of leading lift station systems and equipment at WEFTEC 2018 in New Orleans. At booth #5347 on Tuesday, October 2, visitors can attend the "Hydraulic Forced Vortex Grit Removal Systems" presentation on grit removal applied in packaged headworks at 9:40 a.m. and continue with the "All-Natural Mobile Biofilm Enhances Clarifier Settling" session at 11 a.m.
S&L’s redesign of the packaged TITAN MBR membrane bioreactor system will showcase the latest advancement in packaged MBRs. Enhanced to make operation more automated and simpler and regular maintenance safer and less frequent than other membrane systems, the new TITAN MBR features more compact models with the ability to achieve customized effluent goals and water reuse efficiently. The company will also showcase its all-natural biofilm process, Green+Green Mobile Organic Biofilm for enhanced clarifier settling, IFAS and granular technology. In the booth’s headworks zone, the PISTA Grit Removal System achieves 95 percent grit removal across all flows, including for new layouts at any angle and conventional 360 and 270-degree systems. S&L will show how this technology can be combined with screening for a packaged approach for cost-saving headworks. S&L will also demonstrate its EVERLAST Wet Well Mounted Pump Stations and nonclog X-PELLER and quick-clean RapidJack Check Valve.
Flowrox to introduce filtration and dewatering unit at WEFTEC
Flowrox will introduce the Flowrox GeoBag All-in-one Geotextile Filtration and Dewatering Unit at WEFTEC in New Orleans. The Flowrox Geobag consists of Flowrox’s high-performance Packaged Pumping System and Flowrox’s LPP-T (transfer pump) to ensure chemical dosing ability and high-performance pumping. The product is a watertight floor construction with a drain valve that enables closed and clean filtration and dewatering process. The roll-off unit includes multiple items to enhance the effectiveness and success of the product, such as a container and geotextile bag, high-performance slurry pump, chemical dosing pumps and flocculation reactor module. Flowrox GeoBag is compatible with Flowrox Smart Solutions. Additionally, the units can be insulated and heated for areas with colder climates.
Flowrox GeoBag is ideal for dewatering as it can reduce the costs related to waste handling. It is suitable for sewage sludge dewatering, tailings dewatering, concentration of oily sludge, filtration and dewatering of precipitated solids and impurities, filtration and dewatering of clay, sand and other fine particles.
Centrisys/CNP to introduce CS6-4 centrifuge at WEFTEC
Since 1987, Centrisys has been a manufacturer of decanter centrifuge technology for dewatering and thickening in municipal and industrial applications. The company recently added to its equipment portfolio the THK Sludge Thickener and the SP Series Screwpress. The CNP division, acquired in 2014, offers Airprex and CalPrex, nutrient recovery process technologies, and PONDUS, a Thermo-Chemical Hydrolysis Process (TCHP) for sludge optimization.
Centrisys/CNP will introduce the CS6-4 centrifuge at WEFTEC 2018 October 1-3 in New Orleans. The Centrisys CS6-4 bridges the gap between benchtop studies and full-scale installations. The CS6-4 continuously treats flows from 4 to 10 gpm, making this centrifuge an alternative to a conventional laboratory centrifuge, which processes samples in batches. The CS6-4 provides scalable solid-liquid separation data to move R&D projects forward.