MPW finalizes contract with PBF Energy
MPW Industrial Services finalized a 10-year, $20 million contract with PBF Energy. MPW will provide industrial water services to PBF’s oil refinery in Chalmette, Louisiana. MPW employees will use Lamella clarifiers, pressure filters, reverse osmosis (RO) containers, softeners and a mobile lab in the refinery to access filtered and softened water. MPW will also manage its own piping, electrical, installation, startup, testing and training. The Chalmette Refinery is a 189,000-barrel-per-day, dual-train coking refinery that can process both light and heavy crude oil.
Avista Technologies joins Kurita Water Industries
Kurita Water Industries Ltd., a supplier of water treatment solutions and headquartered in Tokyo, acquired Avista Technologies Inc. and its affiliate, Avista Technologies (UK) Ltd. Avista is a formulator and supplier of RO specialty chemicals and provides technical support for membrane-based water treatment systems. Avista will guide the expansion of Kurita’s RO chemicals lineup to offer a wider range of products to customers. Kurita plans to strengthen its technical services offering related to RO membranes through the technologies and know-how resident within Avista. Avista will maintain its globally recognized name as a Kurita company.
34thannual WateReuse Symposium registration open
Registration is open until August 23 for this year’s WateReuse Symposium in San Diego, California, on September 8–11. The theme for 2019 is "Collaborate to Innovate." The event will showcase recycled water collaborations among utilities, farmers and industry; regulators working together at state and federal levels; sustainability; public and private partnerships; and the latest in reuse research led by the Water Research Foundation. The keynote, given by Peter Annin, is titled "From Water Diversion to Water Reuse: Tackling Scarcity in the 21st Century."