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Oil Skimmer Facts: Your Guide to Oil-Removal Solutions

Sept. 15, 2022
Simplify the process of choosing the correct skimmer for an oil removal application. Get all the answers to questions about oil skimming in one practical guide. This guide includes information about most types of oil skimming.

Oil skimmers are simple, dependable and effective tools for removing oil, grease and other hydrocarbons from water and coolants. Often, an oil skimmer by itself can achieve the desired level of water purity. In more demanding situations, oil skimming is a cost-effective means of removing most of the oil before using more complicated and costly treatments such as coalescers, membrane filters and chemical  processes.

This guide includes information about most types of oil skimming such as:

  • Typical Applications for Industrial Oil Skimmers
  • Different Types of Oil Skimmers
  • Specifying an Oil Skimmer for Your Application
  • Choosing the Best Belt Material for Your Oil Skimmer

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