Snehal Desai of Dow Water & Process Solutions talks total water solutions

July 28, 2015

Innovative solutions are necessary for every water user to help combat scarcity issues.

Water Technology Editor Lori Ditoro spoke with Snehal Desai, global business director for Dow Water & Process Solutions, at AWWA ACE15 in June to discuss the focus on total water solutions in the face of shifting climate and growing water challenges.

In this podcast conducted on the trade show floor, Desai explains how water scarcity issues are pressing many users to find innovative solutions to meet their needs. These pioneering initiatives are necessary for every user of water, from industrial and municipal users to consumers.

"Whether it’s inlet water, wastewater, recycled water, cooling water — you name it — it has to be managed and thought of as resource. We’ve historically thought about things as sort of a one-way street: Water comes in, water gets used for whatever purpose, water goes out and then is discharged," notes Snehal. "You really do need to think about this as a resource that needs to be managed, but holistically, and not necessarily … in silos."

As the industry focuses on how water affects everything we do, investments in newer technologies such as zero- and minimum- liquid discharge will continue to be essential to ensuring a steady water supply.

In Part 2 of this podcast, Desai continues this important conversation.

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