HDR's Joe Cleary has authored a new book, "Activated Sludge Technologies for Treating Industrial Wastewaters – Design and Troubleshooting," for students, plant operators and engineers seeking knowledge about recent developments in activated sludge biological treatment. The timing of the book's publication is strategically aligned with the 100-year anniversary of the activated sludge process -- a major milestone for wastewater treatment. The book addresses topics such as the evolution of the activated sludge process, more stringent effluent permit limits, advancements in treatability testing and process modeling tools, microconstituents, sustainability goals for water and energy, and the impact of frac water from the development of shale gas plays.
DEStech Publications
Induced seismicity white paper
For the past several years, the topic of induced seismicity, or earthquakes caused by human activities -- in particular hydraulic fracturing and disposal wells -- has been the source of heightened interest. To help disseminate factual information on the subject, the Ground Water Protection Council and its research arm, the Ground Water Research and Education Foundation, have released two white papers summarizing important details covered in sessions on induced seismicity presented at two of the organization's 2013 conferences.
Ground Water Research & Education Foundation
LUDECA announced the recent launch of its new microsite, www.KeepItRunning.com. Inspired by the company's ‘Keep It Running' slogan, this site has been designed to support LUDECA's new message of ‘No Excuses for High Vibration, Misalignment and Unbalance.' Reducing vibration levels by just 15% could increase the bearing life of equipment by as much as 72%. Likewise, users can increase machine reliability and maximize costly downtime through proactive condition monitoring. Visitors to the website will find a wealth of solution-related resources, including blog posts, video tutorials, white papers, and other information on state-of-the-art maintenance technologies.
The proceedings of the 2013 International Conference of Information Science and Management Engineering (ISME 2013) held in Wuhan, China, is presented in the new book, "Manufacture Engineering and Environment Engineering," by WIT Press. The conference served to present new research results and the demonstration of new systems and techniques in the broad fields of information systems, information technology, information management, and their applications in management engineering. It also brought together researchers, developers and users from around the world to share state-of-art results, explore new areas of research and development, and discuss emerging issues facing business organizations in the knowledge economy.
WIT Press
Online material guide
A new online Material Selection Guide is available from DeZURIK. This web application makes it quick and easy to determine which metals or elastomers are suggested as suitable for valves in applications involving specific corrosive media, pressures and temperatures. The guide covers over 700 corrosive media and the most common metals and elastomers used on valves for a wide variety of services. In addition, the Material Selection Guide includes guidelines for both elastomers and metals that explain the many considerations required when selecting materials for a specific application.
Vactor Manufacturing recently collaborated with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) to develop a video promoting the safe operation of vacuum excavation equipment. Vacuum excavation uses high-pressure air or water (hydro-excavation) to loosen soil, providing a non-destructive means to safely locate utilities and precisely excavate an area. In conjunction with four other members of AEM's Underground Equipment Manufacturers Council (UEMC), Vactor contributed funding, product expertise and other resources to produce the video. The company also donated an HXX HydroExcavator PD vacuum excavator and expert operators to be used in filming. Available for purchase through the AEM Store (shop.aem.org), the 19-minute DVD complements an existing 35-page vacuum excavation safety manual also available from AEM.
Vactor Manufacturing