Sulzer signs partnership with Kato Engineering
Sulzer signed a partnership deal with Kato Engineering to provide repair and maintenance services for generators in North America and Australia. Sulzer has expertise in generator repair as well as providing maintenance services to customers for turbines, compressors, pumps, motors and gearboxes, so adding the Kato generator range will provide greater product coverage. The Kato range of generators is in operation extensively in the oil and gas, mining and power generation sectors. Repair and maintenance services for these generators will be more accessible by using Sulzer’s global network of service centers, which are equipped to deliver fast and cost-effective solutions.
International Desalination Association presents Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship
The International Desalination Association (IDA) awarded its Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship to Enzo Rene García-Bartolomei of Chile for the 2019–2020 academic year. The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization (ISDMU), SOA (Tianjin, China), is cosponsoring the 2019–2020 scholarship through a matching contribution to the IDA Sustainable Water Resources Foundation (SWRF), which will issue a $5,000 matching grant, which makes the total scholarship value $10,000.
A marine ecologist, García holds a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and has eight years of working experience. He is now in his second year of doctoral studies, majoring in Inland Aquatic Systems, at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the University of Concepción. The topic for his doctoral thesis is "Multidisciplinary Environmental Approach to the Sustainable Management of Seawater Desalination Effluents."
MFG Chemical names corporate planning and supply chain manager
MFG Chemical named Dana Gibbs, former president and chief operating officer (COO) of Gulf Bayport Chemicals LP, to the newly created position of Corporate Planning & Supply Chain Manager. MFG Chemical acquired Gulf Bayport Chemicals, and its 25-acre chemical manufacturing plant in Pasadena, Texas. Dana Gibbs served 14 years as president and COO of Gulf Bayport Chemicals and was invited to join the MFG team, initially handling the integration of the newly acquired company. Dana graduated from Ohio State with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.