Welcome! We are so excited to present this first bimonthly issue of Water Technology, the magazine focused on industrial water management. As we enter this new world of water, where our team’s expertise lies, we begin with a look at the landscape of industrial water. Members of our editorial advisory board and other industry experts answer questions about the present and future of water in the process industries. The answers include their thoughts on water management, efficiency and treatment technologies. They also detail how recycling and reuse will help save money, improve effluent and the environment, and conserve water for future generations. Click here for this special report.
Since water use is prolific in the chemical industry, this first issue focuses on managing and moving water efficiently (Click here for the cover article.). Another industry that relies on clean and conscientious water management is heating, air conditioning and ventilation (HVAC). Technical Editor Dr. Joseph Cotruvo covers the importance of water treatment to control Legionella bacteria in his “Regs & Tech” column this month, and harvesting and treating condensate for reuse is detailed as well.
As a trade publication, we enjoy attending trade shows, where we talk with our readers and the manufacturers of the equipment that we feature in each issue. At the end of January, we will attend the AHR Expo in Las Vegas, at which we will enjoy presentations on HVAC applications and speak with experts in the industry. To learn more about the show, click here.
We are thrilled to bring our audience this new and exciting content. Remember to let us know what you like and what you want to see covered more. You are the reason for this magazine, and we want to tailor it to your needs. Also, explore our website for online exclusive content, infographics and podcasts.